Business & Trends
Find lots of advice, inspiration and tips to run your floral business.
Art In Bloom 2022
Roses, hydrangeas, tulips, eucalyptus, daisies, orchids, protea and more! Where can we find this, you ask? Minneapolis Institute of Arts is home to the annual celebration of Art and Flowers, also known as Art in Bloom, every spring. From the moment you enter the...

10 Tips to Make your Prom Sales Successful!
Prom season is always daunting. It takes a lot of time and labor to create each piece of body jewelry. Preparing ahead of time. and staying organized is the key to having a successful prom season.

Ep 24: Understand your customers to maximize your business reach! Flowers and Cents, Willy Armellini, interviews Renato Sogueco of Floriology.
24. LBR Talks Business Understand your customers to maximize your business reach! Flowers and Cents, Willy Armellini, interviews Renato Sogueco of Floriology.The more you know about your customers and how they shop, the better. Take time to watch this episode as we...

Wedding Color Trends for 2022
Written by Georgia EdgingtonLBR Lead Floral DesignerColor trends for 2021 came out in soft colors and neutrals, gentle blues, greens, natural tones. Colors that are comforting and gentle are just what we needed post-pandemic or during the “pandemic recovery” (how I...

Good Holiday Reflection Practices
Good records are the keys to successful holiday planning No matter what size your business is, the key to the success in the future are the records you keep today. The first step is the hardest but with each year it will get better with continuous improvement.Holidays...

What Does The Color of Roses Mean?
“That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet” (Quote from Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, ca. 1600) According to Shakespeare, it doesn’t matter what we would call a rose it would still smell as sweet. I would like to add; that it would...
Petal It Forward 2020
Petal It Forward 2020 all wrapped up: This year was different than all others previously. Here in the Twin Cities, we had snow on the ground and masks on our faces. Never before have we had a PIF event with SNOW! It was a bit chilly, but with mittens on our...

Free Social Media Posts to Save You Time.
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Get Active With Social Media!
Because Facebook is so visual, it makes for the perfect place to show off your beautiful creations! Let your customers “see” what you have in your shop. Add images and/or videos of new products – stems, plants and vases - new arrangements. Unboxing what you just...
Florist Marketing Tip
Develop Local Partnerships Do you know the local restaurant in your area? Remember those places that were full every day? Check if they have delivery and/or curbside pick-up. If they do, it’s a great start to developing a local business partnership. You have a great...